Time management is very important for me to get my assignments done on time, or even early. I plan to work on assignments for this class at least 4 days a week. I want to work a solid 1-2 hours every one of those days to get my work done and also get ahead if possible. I have found what works for me is to create a schedule, whether the schedule changes weekly or daily. In Amanda Collins
Realistic Study Plans, I learned to set goals for what I want to achieve. Another aspect of Collin's work I liked was repetition. I find that I work best and focus more when I am going through my work as a routine. Another article I found interesting was Jory Mackay's
The Important Habit of Just Starting. I interpreted this article bringing in the idea of procrastination. The guilt from not starting an assignment is often worse than actually starting and working on said assignment. I found that I relate to this idea as I am so bad about procrastinating. After reading through these 2 articles, and others, I plan and hope to stick to my schedule created at the beginning of the semester to stay ahead in this class and on assignments.
(Procrastination flowchart; source: flickr) |
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