Arjuna struck Bhishma by arrow on the last night of the battle. With great sorrow, Arjuna wept and carried water to Bhishma. Yudhishthira and his brothers along with the Kauravas grieved together over Bhishma. This night, Bhishma told Duryodhana to become comrades with the Pandavas. Bhishma did not die until the conflict was over.
The Pandavas went to rescue Arjuna's son but Jayadratha and Karna held them back. Arjuna's son was killed and he wept for him. Arjuna vowed to slay Jayadratha. In which Jayadratha heard of Arjuna's plans and worried for himself. Arjuna did not find him until night but Jayadratha was guarded by Karna and 5 great warriors. Krishna was on Arjuna's side and made it night while Arjuna overthrew and cut of the head of Jayadratha. The Kauravas grieved for his death. Arjuna called a truce to sleep. Drona died upon hearing of the death of his son, Ashwatthaman.
Arjuna and Karna engaged in war. Arjuna became disabled and called for a truce til he was well but Karna did not listen and showered Arjuna with arrows until he was wounded more severely. The Karna's chariot sank and he begged for a stop but Arjuna said no, especially when Karna mentioned his son. Arjuna struck Karna in the head and killed him.
Hearing of Karna's defeat, the Kauravas fled with terror. Duryodhana was told to ask the Pandavas for peace though he does not believe they can attain that after all the fighting. Shalya was then chosen as the Kaurava army leader. On the 18th day of battle, the Kaurava army was small and eventually Shalya was killed by Yudhishthira. Bhima killed Duryodhana's brothers who had survived thus far. All that remained alive of the Kauravas were Ashwathaman, Kripa, Kritavarman, and Duryodhana (though he was hiding). They found Duryodhana.
Duryodhana was dying and was visited by his remaining brethren in which he gave them permission to attack the Pandavas. Ashwatthaman went to the Pandavas camp. Draupadi has lost all her sons and now wants Bhima to bring the head of Ashwatthaman to her. If they kill Ashwatthaman, they will be punished since he is a brahmin and is the reincarnation of Vishnu. Arjuna went to and found him and returned with his head.
Dhritarashtra mourned the deaths of his hundreds of sons. He plotted to kill Bhima who slayed Duryodhana. Kunti and Draupadi also mourned for their loses.
Bhishma is still in the battlefield where he was left lying before he would choose to die. The Pandava brothers went to visit him but he was in the company of Parashurama, the incarnation of Vishnu. Bhishma laid there for 58 nights. Krishna declared that Bhishma was never guilty of one sin in all his life. This was Krishna's way of giving Bhishma permission to die. The Pandava brothers and Krishna want to the river to reach Bhishma's mother, Ganga.
Krishnu brought back a baby of Uttara that Ashwatthaman had killed. Arjuna named the son Parikshit.
Yudhishthira was advised to perform the horse sacrifice to atone for his sins. A search for a moon-white horse with a yellow tail and one black ear.
Twelve days after the return of Arjuna, people assembled for Yudhishthira's horse sacrifice. After preparation on both Yudhishthira's behalf by both himself and Draupadi, he sat naked on the throne and the rajahs poured holy water over his head and then the remains over the horse's head. The Bhima severed the head of the pure horse which ascended into heaven. The sacrifice was acceptable to Vishnu. Draupadi was made queen of the Sacrifice. Krishna and the rajahs poured holy water unto Yudhishthira and Draupadi.
The kingdom was prosperous under Yudhishthira but Dhritarashtra still mourned his son, Duryodhana. The Pandava brothers and Draupadi travels to the dwelling-place of the elders. Vyasa called the words the holy heroes who have died and they arose. At dawn, the dead returned to their chariots. Vyasa allowed the widows of the dead the chance to go back with them in which Kaurava princesses went. 2 years later, a fire had burned through the jungle and killed Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, and Kunti.
Krishna and Balarama both died in the jungle. Balarama was the incarnation of the world serpent and Krishna was mistaken for a gazelle and was shot in the foot.
After this, Vyasa declared to the Pandava brothers it was their time to leave the world. Yudhishthira appointed new counsels and the brethren and Draupadi departed towards the sun in line. Draupadi fell away first followed by Sahadeva and Nakula. Then Arjuna fell away because of the sin that he committed by not destroying all his enemies in one day. Bhima fell away due to cursing and pride. Dharma was Yudhishthira's hound who was transformed into Dharma before Yudhishthira fell away. He then ascended into heaven where he saw Duryodhana and all the Kauravas but not his brethren or Draupadi. Yudhishthira was led to the Ganges and became celestial. He entered Swarga, the celestial city of Indra and was welcomed by Krishna and his brethren and Draupadi.
Bibliography: The Mahabharata, A Summary by John Mandeville Macfie (1921).
The Pandavas went to rescue Arjuna's son but Jayadratha and Karna held them back. Arjuna's son was killed and he wept for him. Arjuna vowed to slay Jayadratha. In which Jayadratha heard of Arjuna's plans and worried for himself. Arjuna did not find him until night but Jayadratha was guarded by Karna and 5 great warriors. Krishna was on Arjuna's side and made it night while Arjuna overthrew and cut of the head of Jayadratha. The Kauravas grieved for his death. Arjuna called a truce to sleep. Drona died upon hearing of the death of his son, Ashwatthaman.
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(Ashwatthaman; Source: Wikipedia) |
Arjuna and Karna engaged in war. Arjuna became disabled and called for a truce til he was well but Karna did not listen and showered Arjuna with arrows until he was wounded more severely. The Karna's chariot sank and he begged for a stop but Arjuna said no, especially when Karna mentioned his son. Arjuna struck Karna in the head and killed him.
Hearing of Karna's defeat, the Kauravas fled with terror. Duryodhana was told to ask the Pandavas for peace though he does not believe they can attain that after all the fighting. Shalya was then chosen as the Kaurava army leader. On the 18th day of battle, the Kaurava army was small and eventually Shalya was killed by Yudhishthira. Bhima killed Duryodhana's brothers who had survived thus far. All that remained alive of the Kauravas were Ashwathaman, Kripa, Kritavarman, and Duryodhana (though he was hiding). They found Duryodhana.
Duryodhana was dying and was visited by his remaining brethren in which he gave them permission to attack the Pandavas. Ashwatthaman went to the Pandavas camp. Draupadi has lost all her sons and now wants Bhima to bring the head of Ashwatthaman to her. If they kill Ashwatthaman, they will be punished since he is a brahmin and is the reincarnation of Vishnu. Arjuna went to and found him and returned with his head.
Dhritarashtra mourned the deaths of his hundreds of sons. He plotted to kill Bhima who slayed Duryodhana. Kunti and Draupadi also mourned for their loses.
Bhishma is still in the battlefield where he was left lying before he would choose to die. The Pandava brothers went to visit him but he was in the company of Parashurama, the incarnation of Vishnu. Bhishma laid there for 58 nights. Krishna declared that Bhishma was never guilty of one sin in all his life. This was Krishna's way of giving Bhishma permission to die. The Pandava brothers and Krishna want to the river to reach Bhishma's mother, Ganga.
Krishnu brought back a baby of Uttara that Ashwatthaman had killed. Arjuna named the son Parikshit.
Yudhishthira was advised to perform the horse sacrifice to atone for his sins. A search for a moon-white horse with a yellow tail and one black ear.
Twelve days after the return of Arjuna, people assembled for Yudhishthira's horse sacrifice. After preparation on both Yudhishthira's behalf by both himself and Draupadi, he sat naked on the throne and the rajahs poured holy water over his head and then the remains over the horse's head. The Bhima severed the head of the pure horse which ascended into heaven. The sacrifice was acceptable to Vishnu. Draupadi was made queen of the Sacrifice. Krishna and the rajahs poured holy water unto Yudhishthira and Draupadi.
The kingdom was prosperous under Yudhishthira but Dhritarashtra still mourned his son, Duryodhana. The Pandava brothers and Draupadi travels to the dwelling-place of the elders. Vyasa called the words the holy heroes who have died and they arose. At dawn, the dead returned to their chariots. Vyasa allowed the widows of the dead the chance to go back with them in which Kaurava princesses went. 2 years later, a fire had burned through the jungle and killed Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, and Kunti.
Krishna and Balarama both died in the jungle. Balarama was the incarnation of the world serpent and Krishna was mistaken for a gazelle and was shot in the foot.
After this, Vyasa declared to the Pandava brothers it was their time to leave the world. Yudhishthira appointed new counsels and the brethren and Draupadi departed towards the sun in line. Draupadi fell away first followed by Sahadeva and Nakula. Then Arjuna fell away because of the sin that he committed by not destroying all his enemies in one day. Bhima fell away due to cursing and pride. Dharma was Yudhishthira's hound who was transformed into Dharma before Yudhishthira fell away. He then ascended into heaven where he saw Duryodhana and all the Kauravas but not his brethren or Draupadi. Yudhishthira was led to the Ganges and became celestial. He entered Swarga, the celestial city of Indra and was welcomed by Krishna and his brethren and Draupadi.
Bibliography: The Mahabharata, A Summary by John Mandeville Macfie (1921).
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