Looking back through all my work, I am overall pleased with my progress so far. At the beginning of this class, I struggled a little with the more creative side, especially in the story writing. I feel like I have grown as a writer just in the first 8 weeks. I am happy with how my portfolio is turning out and even the progress I make week by week. When I first brainstormed the portfolio, I was content with the theme being Karma, but I did not have a more specific theme surrounding it. As I read other people's comments on what they liked about my stories and just looked at the types of stories I write, I noticed I usually write about college aged kids and the setting is normally in a college-like atmosphere. Upon this realization, I specified my portfolio to focus on karma in college and for college students. With this specification, I am very happy with my portfolio now. As for looking forward to the rest of the semester, I want to continue to write stories that college students can relate to to grasp a better understanding of these Indian Epics. I want my writing and creativity to continue to grow in my stories while incorporating more complex styles.
(Inspirational Quote; Source: Pexels) |
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