As I look back onto my previous work in this class so far, I am pleased with the way my writing and creativity has progressed. I think my writing skills have progressed in the way that I am able to come up with plots and storylines better and more easier. I also have found that I have incorporated the use of more descriptive words and dialogue which is something I look for when I read other works. I am very happy with the way my blog has turned out. I have made some cosmetic changes to the layout, but overall, I am happy with content. For my website, I am thrilled with how my idea of karma has gotten more focused and specific to karma in college settings. I think my biggest accomplishment so far in class is my growth in my writing. I am able to be more creative and clearer with what I want to say. The Ramayana has been my favorite reading so far in the class, especially the novel version, because I enjoyed the storyline and all the underlying meanings that are obvious but also the underlying meanings that can made from my own understandings. My reading notes do help jog my memory to write my own stories. I think something I can work on with my reading notes in the future is to make notes for myself, within my reading notes, of what I think would be a good story to include into my karma project or when I have an idea for a new story.
(King Dasaratha and his four sons; Source: Wikimedia) |
I chose the picture above as my favorite image so far from my stories. In the Ramayana, I found King Dasaratha's favoritism for Rama very interesting so this picture is from the story I wrote about Rama being sent to exile due to his father's own karma catching up to him.
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